Station ID: CMRC3 (i.e. CMRC3, SRVI1)
DATE: 12/29/05 Start time: 13:45_____ End time: 14:15______
Type of cleaning: X BASIC
CTD Validation
BASIC Cleaning
X Surface inspection
X Underwater inspection – station support lines, chains, mounting pins
X Optical sensor cleaning
X CTD screen cleaning
X Optional sensor cleaning
X PAM fluorometer monitoring heads
o SAMI pCO2 cage or inlet
o Other, please specify_________________________________
Comments: PAM acrylic lenses wiped clean – unable to remove from casing because on snorkel not SCUBA.
Finish basic cleaning plus these additional steps
Perform CTD validation
Clean all growth from spectra lines and chains
Inspect shackles
Base plate and grounding plate inspection
Clean spectra lines at base plate
Clean body of CTD(s) and light sensor(s)
Clean all optional sensors
o PAM fluorometer distributor box, mounting stands, and cables
o SAMI pCO2 stainless mounting hardware and body
o Other, please specify_________________________________
Comments: __________________________________________________
Signed: Laura Robinson_________________
Date: 12/29/05_____
This site is for providing CMRC3 ICON/CREWS field maintenance records for NOAA/AOML/ICON data management purposes. Please update this blog whenever new operations are performed in the field, so that AOML can coordinate their efforts with the CMRC ICON/CREWS field efforts.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Monday, December 19, 2005
Station ID: CMRC3 (i.e. CMRC3, SRVI1)
DATE: 12/14/05 Start time: 13:30pm End time: 15:00pm
Station ID: CMRC3 (i.e. CMRC3, SRVI1)
DATE: 12/14/05 Start time: 13:30pm End time: 15:00pm
Type of cleaning: x BASIC
CTD Validation
BASIC Cleaning
x Surface inspection
x Underwater inspection – station support lines, chains, mounting pins
x Optical sensor cleaning
x CTD screen cleaning
x Optional sensor cleaning
x PAM fluorometer monitoring heads
o SAMI pCO2 cage or inlet
o Other, please specify_________________________________
Comments: pCO2 cage has not been replaced yet.
Finish basic cleaning plus these additional steps
Perform CTD validation
Clean all growth from spectra lines and chains
Inspect shackles
Base plate and grounding plate inspection
Clean spectra lines at base plate
Clean body of CTD(s) and light sensor(s)
Clean all optional sensors
o PAM fluorometer distributor box, mounting stands, and cables
o SAMI pCO2 stainless mounting hardware and body
o Other, please specify_________________________________
Comments: __________________________________________________
Signed: Laura Robinson
Date: 12/19/05
Monday, December 12, 2005
Instruments removed February 2005
Old note here of an instrument removed FEBRURARY 2, 2005:
Biospherical Irradiometers:
BIC Model 2104R Surface Irradiometer
Serial 1020
Biospherical Irradiometers:
BIC Model 2104R Surface Irradiometer
Serial 1020
Station ID: CMRC3 (i.e. CMRC3, SRVI1)
DATE: 12/09/05 Start time: 08:45am End time: 09:15am
DATE: 12/09/05 Start time: 08:45am End time: 09:15am
Type of cleaning: x BASIC
CTD Validation
BASIC Cleaning:
x Surface inspection
x Underwater inspection – station support lines, chains, mounting pins
x Optical sensor cleaning
x CTD screen cleaning
Optional sensor cleaning
o PAM fluorometer monitoring heads
o SAMI pCO2 cage or inlet
o Other, please specify_________________________________
Comments: Diving is still not possible and so cleaning was conducted by snorkeling. PAM heads could not be cleaned entirely, but the acrylic lenses were wiped clean in-situ. pCO2 cage has not been replaced yet.
COMPLETE Cleaning:
(Finish basic cleaning plus these additional steps )
Perform CTD validation
Clean all growth from spectra lines and chains
Inspect shackles
Base plate and grounding plate inspection
Clean spectra lines at base plate
Clean body of CTD(s) and light sensor(s)
Clean all optional sensors
o PAM fluorometer distributor box, mounting stands, and cables
o SAMI pCO2 stainless mounting hardware and body
o Other, please specify_________________________________
Comments: __________________________________________________
Signed: Laura Robinson
Date: 12/12/05
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Station ID: CMRC3
DATE: 11/25/05 Start time: 9am End time: 10am
Type of cleaning: x BASIC
CTD Validation
BASIC Cleaning
x Surface inspection
x Underwater inspection – station support lines, chains, mounting pins
x Optical sensor cleaning
x CTD screen cleaning
Optional sensor cleaning
PAM fluorometer monitoring heads
SAMI pCO2 cage or inlet
Other, please specify_________________________________
Comments: As diving is not possible at the moment, cleaning was conducted on snorkel. Because of this we were unable to clean the PAM fluorometer monitoring heads in the usual manner. Instead the acrylic lenses were wiped clean in-situ, rather than removing the entire casing. The SAMI pCO2 is yet to be replaced after removal.
Finish basic cleaning plus these additional steps
Perform CTD validation
Clean all growth from spectra lines and chains
Inspect shackles
Base plate and grounding plate inspection
Clean spectra lines at base plate
Clean body of CTD(s) and light sensor(s)
Clean all optional sensors
PAM fluorometer distributor box, mounting stands, and cables
SAMI pCO2 stainless mounting hardware and body
Other, please specify_________________________________
Comments: __________________________________________________
Signed: Laura Robinson
Date: 11/25/05
Station ID: CMRC3
DATE: 11/25/05 Start time: 9am End time: 10am
Type of cleaning: x BASIC
CTD Validation
BASIC Cleaning
x Surface inspection
x Underwater inspection – station support lines, chains, mounting pins
x Optical sensor cleaning
x CTD screen cleaning
Optional sensor cleaning
PAM fluorometer monitoring heads
SAMI pCO2 cage or inlet
Other, please specify_________________________________
Comments: As diving is not possible at the moment, cleaning was conducted on snorkel. Because of this we were unable to clean the PAM fluorometer monitoring heads in the usual manner. Instead the acrylic lenses were wiped clean in-situ, rather than removing the entire casing. The SAMI pCO2 is yet to be replaced after removal.
Finish basic cleaning plus these additional steps
Perform CTD validation
Clean all growth from spectra lines and chains
Inspect shackles
Base plate and grounding plate inspection
Clean spectra lines at base plate
Clean body of CTD(s) and light sensor(s)
Clean all optional sensors
PAM fluorometer distributor box, mounting stands, and cables
SAMI pCO2 stainless mounting hardware and body
Other, please specify_________________________________
Comments: __________________________________________________
Signed: Laura Robinson
Date: 11/25/05
Friday, November 04, 2005
CMRC2/3 CREWS Field Log
Station ID: CMRC3 (i.e. CMRC3, SRVI1)
DATE: 11/04/05 Start time: 10:04am End time: 13:50
Type of cleaning: BASIC
X CTD Validation
BASIC Cleaning
X Surface inspection
X Underwater inspection – station support lines, chains, mounting pins
X Optical sensor cleaning
X CTD screen cleaning
X Optional sensor cleaning
X PAM fluorometer monitoring heads
o SAMI pCO2 cage or inlet
o Other, please specify_________________________________
Comments: __________________________________________________
Finish basic cleaning plus these additional steps
X Perform CTD validation
X Clean all growth from spectra lines and chains
X Inspect shackles
X Base plate and grounding plate inspection
X Clean spectra lines at base plate
X Clean body of CTD(s) and light sensor(s)
X Clean all optional sensors
X PAM fluorometer distributor box, mounting stands, and cables
o SAMI pCO2 stainless mounting hardware and body
o Other, please specify_________________________________
Comments: All PAM heads including number 3 looked normal.
CTD in at 10:04am and retrieved at 13:50.
Missing 2 copper screens, and 1 damaged – need to order replacements for the island.
Signed: Kevin Buch; Laura Robinson
Date: 11/04/05
Station ID: CMRC3 (i.e. CMRC3, SRVI1)
DATE: 11/04/05 Start time: 10:04am End time: 13:50
Type of cleaning: BASIC
X CTD Validation
BASIC Cleaning
X Surface inspection
X Underwater inspection – station support lines, chains, mounting pins
X Optical sensor cleaning
X CTD screen cleaning
X Optional sensor cleaning
X PAM fluorometer monitoring heads
o SAMI pCO2 cage or inlet
o Other, please specify_________________________________
Comments: __________________________________________________
Finish basic cleaning plus these additional steps
X Perform CTD validation
X Clean all growth from spectra lines and chains
X Inspect shackles
X Base plate and grounding plate inspection
X Clean spectra lines at base plate
X Clean body of CTD(s) and light sensor(s)
X Clean all optional sensors
X PAM fluorometer distributor box, mounting stands, and cables
o SAMI pCO2 stainless mounting hardware and body
o Other, please specify_________________________________
Comments: All PAM heads including number 3 looked normal.
CTD in at 10:04am and retrieved at 13:50.
Missing 2 copper screens, and 1 damaged – need to order replacements for the island.
Signed: Kevin Buch; Laura Robinson
Date: 11/04/05
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
CMRC2/3 CREWS Field Log
DATE: 10/11/05
TIME: 1700
STAFF: K. Buch, W. Goossens
BOAT: Lucaya (1/2 day use; 0.5 engine hrs)
NOTES: removal of SAMI pCO2 instrument. PAM-monitored Agaricia colony 90% bleached; difficult to tell amount of live tissue (will closely inspect on 10/14/05). PAM-monitored Siderastrea head showing paling over most of colony. Also noticed that PAM heads are showing some fouling-will revisit on 10/14/05 for cleaning/inspection.
TIME: 1700
STAFF: K. Buch, W. Goossens
BOAT: Lucaya (1/2 day use; 0.5 engine hrs)
NOTES: removal of SAMI pCO2 instrument. PAM-monitored Agaricia colony 90% bleached; difficult to tell amount of live tissue (will closely inspect on 10/14/05). PAM-monitored Siderastrea head showing paling over most of colony. Also noticed that PAM heads are showing some fouling-will revisit on 10/14/05 for cleaning/inspection.
SAMI pCO2 system removed for service
The SAMI pCO2 instrument, deployed on May 21, 2005, was removed for scheduled maintenance and calibration on Oct. 11, 2200 GMT. It is anticipated that servicing and replacing the instrument at the site will take no more than 6 weeks.
Thanks to Kevin Buch and the crew at LSI for taking care of the instrument and CMRC3 throughout this deployment.
Thanks to Kevin Buch and the crew at LSI for taking care of the instrument and CMRC3 throughout this deployment.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
CMRC2/3 CREWS Field Log
DATE: 9/14/05
TIME: 0920
STAFF: Buch, Coutts (intern)
BOAT: Lusca (1/2 day use; 0.5 engine hrs)
NOTES: thorough cleaning, including re-positioning of PAM heads and cleaning inside of SAMI “cage”. Widespread local bleaching occurring, including Stick site and N. Norman’s Pond patch reef. PAM Agaricia head is approximately 40% bleached. PAM Siderastrea head showing mild paling at base.
TIME: 0920
STAFF: Buch, Coutts (intern)
BOAT: Lusca (1/2 day use; 0.5 engine hrs)
NOTES: thorough cleaning, including re-positioning of PAM heads and cleaning inside of SAMI “cage”. Widespread local bleaching occurring, including Stick site and N. Norman’s Pond patch reef. PAM Agaricia head is approximately 40% bleached. PAM Siderastrea head showing mild paling at base.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Summary of Coral Species Being Monitored
This is a short summary of the species being monitored by the pulse amplitude modulating (PAM) fluorometer at this CREWS station. The instrument itself has 4 individual heads on about 10 - 15' cables connected to a central distributing unit (AKA distributor box). The signal from these 4 heads is delivered through the distributor box to the station as a single RS232 formatted signal. The four heads are mounted into two mounts with enough freedom in motion to be oriented appropriately, including angle and distance to coral surface, to allow monitoring of up to 4 different species. We have typically aimed to monitor only 2 species each in duplicate. The PAM heads are numbered 1 through 4. A list of the species monitored and the dates they are monitored follows.
5/21/05 1800 PAM1 Agaricia sp.
PAM2 Siderastrea siderea - side of colony
PAM3 S. siderea - small secondary colony near agaricia colony
PAM3 S. siderea - top or same colony monitored with PAM2
5/23/05 0500 All heads failed - pressure case corrosion issues
6/30/05 2000 PAM Redeployed with aluminum distributor box and stainless steel monitoring heads
PAM1&2 Agaricia sp.
PAM3&4 S. Siderea
7/11/05 1400 All heads failed - continued corrosion issues
7/13/05 0000 PAM3 still off, PAM1,2&4 begin reporting again
PAM1&2 Agaricia sp.
PAM4 S. siderea
7/23/05 1600 Second PAM unit deployed - corrosion issues resolved
PAM1&2 S. siderea
PAM3&4 Agaricia sp.
Currently, all heads are reporting. Based on reduction in PAM yields, the S. siderea species is showing signs of stress.
5/21/05 1800 PAM1 Agaricia sp.
PAM2 Siderastrea siderea - side of colony
PAM3 S. siderea - small secondary colony near agaricia colony
PAM3 S. siderea - top or same colony monitored with PAM2
5/23/05 0500 All heads failed - pressure case corrosion issues
6/30/05 2000 PAM Redeployed with aluminum distributor box and stainless steel monitoring heads
PAM1&2 Agaricia sp.
PAM3&4 S. Siderea
7/11/05 1400 All heads failed - continued corrosion issues
7/13/05 0000 PAM3 still off, PAM1,2&4 begin reporting again
PAM1&2 Agaricia sp.
PAM4 S. siderea
7/23/05 1600 Second PAM unit deployed - corrosion issues resolved
PAM1&2 S. siderea
PAM3&4 Agaricia sp.
Currently, all heads are reporting. Based on reduction in PAM yields, the S. siderea species is showing signs of stress.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
CMRC3 Upgrades
Station upgrades: CMRC3 was outfitted with an additional in water Biospherical radiometer. Also, the above water radiometer was replaced and the second in water CTD was reinstalled. Finally, we moved the GPS antenna outside the case to improve GPS acquisition times. We think that shorter times may be necessary to prevent lost transmissions through GOES. So far, all instruments are reporting and we have no dropped transmissions.
Coral bleaching: We observed mild paling to full bleaching of select species of corals around the station and at neighboring N. Normans Reef. The Siderastrea siderea colonies had paling on sunlit surfaces and in blotched patterns. Agaricia sp. showed severe bleaching on some colonies, others - including the set that we are monitoring, looked unaffected. I saw no pattern to this.
Structural observations: The station had slightly more growth on it than we are accustomed to seeing but overall still appeared very clean. The BIC sensor head was perfectly clean. The PAM heads had slight algal growth covering them - this material was very easy to remove but did require pulling the PAM heads up into their mounts, cleaning, then repositioning. The worst growth was observed on the pCO2 instrument but did not appear to be affecting the inlet or outlets so we left it untouched.
Other observations: The usual suspects were observed near the stick: barracuda, a stingray, yellow rays.
Coral bleaching: We observed mild paling to full bleaching of select species of corals around the station and at neighboring N. Normans Reef. The Siderastrea siderea colonies had paling on sunlit surfaces and in blotched patterns. Agaricia sp. showed severe bleaching on some colonies, others - including the set that we are monitoring, looked unaffected. I saw no pattern to this.
Structural observations: The station had slightly more growth on it than we are accustomed to seeing but overall still appeared very clean. The BIC sensor head was perfectly clean. The PAM heads had slight algal growth covering them - this material was very easy to remove but did require pulling the PAM heads up into their mounts, cleaning, then repositioning. The worst growth was observed on the pCO2 instrument but did not appear to be affecting the inlet or outlets so we left it untouched.
Other observations: The usual suspects were observed near the stick: barracuda, a stingray, yellow rays.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
PAM head update
Hi Jim: Went out to the CREWS stick yesterday. It's all there. I cleaned the PAM heads and took several readings on the Siderastrea and Agaricia colony at noon. I have the following results for you to compare. For Sideratrea siderea the average quantum yield was 0.333 and for Agaricia tenuifolia it was 0.466. The PAM heads for the agaricid are definitely in a more shaded part of the colony. Taking PAM measurements on the opposite, sun exposed, side showed much lower quantum yields. Let me know how this compares.
Cheers, Michael
Dr. Michael P. Lesser
Department of Zoology and Center for Marine Biology
University of New Hampshire
Durham, NH 03824
Cheers, Michael
Dr. Michael P. Lesser
Department of Zoology and Center for Marine Biology
University of New Hampshire
Durham, NH 03824
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Station update
We did see what looked to be some bleaching in the cervicornis patch (I will send or post some photos that Catherine took), and very little bleaching elsewhere (>5 partial millepora colonies and one partial agaricia) all the big montastreas and brains looked good. Will keep an eye on things...
The CTD to BIC distance is 112cm.
Operational again
CMRC3 was brought back online Saturday, July 23, 1100 with all instruments operational and reporting.
The second monitoring PAM fluorometer was deployed, with a new PVC housing for the distributor box and new stainless steel tubes for the sensors. After removing the first monitoring PAM unit, divers noticed pitting in one of the stainless steel sensor heads. The field crew at LSI has been requested to keep a close eye on the new system.
The deep CTD has been left off the system intentionally. The web site now reports -9 for all deep CTD values.
Each new windbird has its own magnetic compass so the direction information should be accurate. We learned the correct way to calibrate these compasses. That information will be applied to the matching instruments at SRVI1.
A site survey is planned for later this year.
The second monitoring PAM fluorometer was deployed, with a new PVC housing for the distributor box and new stainless steel tubes for the sensors. After removing the first monitoring PAM unit, divers noticed pitting in one of the stainless steel sensor heads. The field crew at LSI has been requested to keep a close eye on the new system.
The deep CTD has been left off the system intentionally. The web site now reports -9 for all deep CTD values.
Each new windbird has its own magnetic compass so the direction information should be accurate. We learned the correct way to calibrate these compasses. That information will be applied to the matching instruments at SRVI1.
A site survey is planned for later this year.
Friday, July 22, 2005
Field Update
Today we dealt with a bevy of issues- we have replaced all components in the station, however, the transmitter appears to be disconnected or malfunctioning- we will be heading out to the stick tomorrow morning to see if we can fix it.
Wish us luck.
Louis & Erik
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Field Update
Erik and I had a busy and slightly frustrating day- fortunately lady luck is still with us (although I don't know for how long).
This morning's weather was calm. Divers (Erik and Shaggy) in the water, retrieved both CTDs, and deployed the one we were carrying with us. PAM would not work with the CREWS laptop, so PAM dive was cancelled. We attempted to do a profiler cast, but the CREWS laptop would not respond to the profile. Cancel profiler cast. We then opened the box, retrieved the data logger, clipped the top of the deep CTD cable and removed it from the station. We then managed to clip and remove the wind bird masts. Note that one of the serial port connector wires was broken at the leads, this will require an onstick repair.
Break for Lunch. (turkey sandwich, fyi)
After lunch was frustrating. Erik connected his laptop to the profiler, it worked. We took the 'brain' and wind birds to the dive locker to work on them. The mast heads were made very short and do not accomodate the electronic compass extension. Erik and Shaggy improvised on the spot- he will detail that improvisation. The
datalogger was rewired as needed for the electronic compases. There was no way to test it, however, we grabbed one of the batteries that were stored in our box; sealed cartons, humid and moldy. With that were were able to power the datalogger. The RF400 cables were also damaged and broken loose- this was the cable I assembled for this 'brain'. I was able to replace it with another serial cable. Also added the gounding bolt as planned. New program (with electronic compasses) uploaded.
Around 4PM we make it out to the stick, but the weather was turning foul. We installed the wind birds and passed some wires through the conduit before calling it quits when the rain started.
The top of the stick moves more when the current is moving, and the boat is yanking on it.
The eye nuts work wonderful as a first step- however, the all thread has paint on it, so we are unable to thread them all the way tight.
The lid is WAY too heavy to put on and off to cover for rain- figure something better soon, pretty please.
The paint job is beautiful, but it makes the stick very slippery when wet- recommend not waiting out passing rain as it makes it dangerous to leave the stick.
Cracks are forming on the windmast hole/square on the left side (when climbing the stick). Will try to photo that.
The aluminium masts were not drilled through for the holding bolt to pin it from spinning- the right one was easily pivoted in its mount.
Those are the things of note for today. Tomorrow we will try to carry out the rest of the assembly process.
Kind regards and running to dinner,
Louis & Erik
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Field Update
Erik and I arrived without incident.
We managed to get a boat out before dinner, and we installed the pegs (they are too narrow!) and opened up the cap. Good news is that the surface bic appears ok (120 sample counts in the last 2 hours) due to what appears to be a loose cable. I will probably replace the cable anyhow with one that has screwdowns for the 9 pin serial connector.
The bad news is that there seems to be corrosion going on inside the tube- the salt air is attacking most of the weaker metals on the brain.
Aside from that, it was super windy and the current was whipping as usual- the top of the stick bounces around pretty heavy.
Tomorrow will be a busy day.
Kind regards,
Louis & Erik
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
CMRC2/3 CREWS Field Log
DATE: 7/6/05
TIME: 1500
STAFF: Buch, Evans
BOAT: Lucaya (1/2 day use; 0.5 engine hrs)
NOTES: routine service and close inspection of the PAM for visible problems (intermittent output). No obvious problems with the PAM or external grounding wires were observed. Also, there are really no large coral colonies suitable for PAM monitoring within the reach of the current PAM cables. I would suggest considering longer cables-I can give you measurements from the Stick to some of the closest larger corals, if this is something you would be interested in. Just let me know...
TIME: 1500
STAFF: Buch, Evans
BOAT: Lucaya (1/2 day use; 0.5 engine hrs)
NOTES: routine service and close inspection of the PAM for visible problems (intermittent output). No obvious problems with the PAM or external grounding wires were observed. Also, there are really no large coral colonies suitable for PAM monitoring within the reach of the current PAM cables. I would suggest considering longer cables-I can give you measurements from the Stick to some of the closest larger corals, if this is something you would be interested in. Just let me know...
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
PAM deployed
The PAM fluorometer was redeployed on June 30, 2005. Heads were positioned, using the alignment guide, on the following coral colonies.
PAM1: Agaricia spp.
PAM2: Agaricia spp.
PAM3: Siderastrea siderea
PAM4: Siderastrea siderea
PAM 1 & 2 are on a new coral colony, different than the previous deployments. This change was required due to the fact that the new underwater cables are a few feet shorter than the old cables.
PAM 3 & 4 are on the same S.Siderea that they were on previously.
All 4 heads reported as designed until the evening of July 2. After that some intermittent behavior was observed, with more consistent reporting during the daylight hours. Support staff has been notified and underwater cables, connections, and housings will be inspected.
PAM1: Agaricia spp.
PAM2: Agaricia spp.
PAM3: Siderastrea siderea
PAM4: Siderastrea siderea
PAM 1 & 2 are on a new coral colony, different than the previous deployments. This change was required due to the fact that the new underwater cables are a few feet shorter than the old cables.
PAM 3 & 4 are on the same S.Siderea that they were on previously.
All 4 heads reported as designed until the evening of July 2. After that some intermittent behavior was observed, with more consistent reporting during the daylight hours. Support staff has been notified and underwater cables, connections, and housings will be inspected.
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
CMRC2/3 CREWS Field Log
OK, just had a look at my post. seems the excel data does not read very well when dropped into the blog, so i will revise the format for my next blog update. apologies for any confusion...
CMRC2/3 CREWS Field Log
Here is the latest service/inspection update. i am testing pasting the data from our CREWS spreadsheet onto the blog. if you expand the blog window it seems to read OK-let me know. nothing unusual seen at stick or at N. Norman's reef. PAM should arrive today (6/29/05) for 6/30/05 install. Laura Robinson is our new Science Intern and John Gunderson is our summer Dive Operations Intern-their names will be appearing on the blog updates from time-to time.
Date Time Staff Staff Time (dry) Staff Time (wet) Boat name/Boat use Engine Hrs. Notes
6/16/05 1400 Evans 1.00 0.50 Sampson (1/2 day) 0.50 routine service, no unusual observations
1400 Booker 1.00 0.50
6/21/05 1100 Evans 1.00 Nuwanda (1/2 day) 0.50 checking above water malfunctions, none observed (per Stabeneau)
1100 Robinson 1.00
Date Time Staff Staff Time (dry) Staff Time (wet) Boat name/Boat use Engine Hrs. Notes
6/16/05 1400 Evans 1.00 0.50 Sampson (1/2 day) 0.50 routine service, no unusual observations
1400 Booker 1.00 0.50
6/21/05 1100 Evans 1.00 Nuwanda (1/2 day) 0.50 checking above water malfunctions, none observed (per Stabeneau)
1100 Robinson 1.00
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
PAM out
PAM was removed at approx 1430 hrs, June 7th.
Kevin L. Buch
Assistant Science Director
Perry Institute for Marine Science
Lee Stocking Island, The Bahamas
Kevin L. Buch
Assistant Science Director
Perry Institute for Marine Science
Lee Stocking Island, The Bahamas
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Name change to station: CMRC3
Because of the new design and instrument capabilities, the station name has been changed to CMRC3.
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
PAM heads checked
Malfunctioning PAM head #3 checked, as per request by Jim Hendee.
"PAM 3 is flooded. Could not pinpoint the source of the leak, but bubbles seemed to be coming from where the cable joins the head. Also, I was playing with Erik’s handy measuring tool and the PAM heads seemed to be closer to the corals than what the measuring tool indicated--can you send me the exact specs for the correct distance/angle from the coral so that when I clean them I can re-position them properly?"
(entry for Kevin Buch)
"PAM 3 is flooded. Could not pinpoint the source of the leak, but bubbles seemed to be coming from where the cable joins the head. Also, I was playing with Erik’s handy measuring tool and the PAM heads seemed to be closer to the corals than what the measuring tool indicated--can you send me the exact specs for the correct distance/angle from the coral so that when I clean them I can re-position them properly?"
(entry for Kevin Buch)
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Station Transmitting Again
CMRC2 became operational again and started transmitting data at 1600 GMT, 5/21/2005. Jeff Absten, Jules Craynock, Jeff Judas, Scott Stolz, Erik Stabenau, Mike Jankulak (of AOML), Kevin Buch and Mike Lombardi (of CMRC) participated in the installation of the new design.
Thursday, May 19, 2005
"Stick" installation
For the last two days we have helped Jules Craynock, Jeff Judas, Scott Stolz and Jeff Absten of AOML to install new station, including lines and supporting infrastructure.
(entry for Kevin Buch and Michael Lombardi)
(entry for Kevin Buch and Michael Lombardi)
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Station offline
The station was taken down for an upgrade to the new design, which will provide an easier means for installing instruments, and will also be sleeker (no platform). Jules Craynock, Jeff Judas, Scott Stolz, Jeff Absten (of AOML), Kevin Buch and Mike Lombardi (of CMRC) participated in the take-down of the station.
Monday, March 21, 2005
Date: 3/18/05
Time: 1100-1230
Dive Time: 0.6 hrs
Boat/Boat hrs.: LUSCA/0.5 hrs
Personnel: K. Buch (PIMS Staff); N. Malloch (visiting student)
Performed routine cleaning of instruments, lines and chains. No unusual observations other than very poor vis (<20 ft; suspended sediment), most likely due to multiple days of high wind (there appears to be more fine sediment in the area since the 2004 hurricanes)
Time: 1100-1230
Dive Time: 0.6 hrs
Boat/Boat hrs.: LUSCA/0.5 hrs
Personnel: K. Buch (PIMS Staff); N. Malloch (visiting student)
Performed routine cleaning of instruments, lines and chains. No unusual observations other than very poor vis (<20 ft; suspended sediment), most likely due to multiple days of high wind (there appears to be more fine sediment in the area since the 2004 hurricanes)
Friday, March 04, 2005
Stick maintenance update-
Date: 28 FEB 05
Time: approx 1700-1730 hrs
Dive time: 20 min.
Divers: Kevin Buch (PIMS/CMRC); Keri Goodman (PIMS Science Intern)
Boat: Lusca
Boat time: 0.5 hrs
Observations: nothing unusual. new Falmouth instruments looked fine, but copper screens on shallow CTD showed light-moderate silting. still need info on how to properly re-position PAM heads after cleaning, as the heads need to be moved for cleaning and the bases also seem to have shifted slightly. also, HOBO light sensor cases are getting pretty fouled-can these be removed for cleaning and then be re-deployed?
Date: 28 FEB 05
Time: approx 1700-1730 hrs
Dive time: 20 min.
Divers: Kevin Buch (PIMS/CMRC); Keri Goodman (PIMS Science Intern)
Boat: Lusca
Boat time: 0.5 hrs
Observations: nothing unusual. new Falmouth instruments looked fine, but copper screens on shallow CTD showed light-moderate silting. still need info on how to properly re-position PAM heads after cleaning, as the heads need to be moved for cleaning and the bases also seem to have shifted slightly. also, HOBO light sensor cases are getting pretty fouled-can these be removed for cleaning and then be re-deployed?
Monday, February 28, 2005
Friday, February 11, 2005
On monday 2/14 Mike Jankulak (NOAA) and Steve Niland from Falmouth Scientific will arrive on island to work on the CTD's at the stick. The work will take place on Tuesday and Mike and Steve are departing LSI on 2/16
On monday 2/14 Mike Jankulak (NOAA) and Steve Niland from Falmouth Scientific will arrive on island to work on the CTD's at the stick. The work will take place on Tuesday and Mike and Steve are departing LSI on 2/16
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