Station ID: CMRC3 (i.e. CMRC3, SRVI1)
DATE: 12/29/05 Start time: 13:45_____ End time: 14:15______
Type of cleaning: X BASIC
CTD Validation
BASIC Cleaning
X Surface inspection
X Underwater inspection – station support lines, chains, mounting pins
X Optical sensor cleaning
X CTD screen cleaning
X Optional sensor cleaning
X PAM fluorometer monitoring heads
o SAMI pCO2 cage or inlet
o Other, please specify_________________________________
Comments: PAM acrylic lenses wiped clean – unable to remove from casing because on snorkel not SCUBA.
Finish basic cleaning plus these additional steps
Perform CTD validation
Clean all growth from spectra lines and chains
Inspect shackles
Base plate and grounding plate inspection
Clean spectra lines at base plate
Clean body of CTD(s) and light sensor(s)
Clean all optional sensors
o PAM fluorometer distributor box, mounting stands, and cables
o SAMI pCO2 stainless mounting hardware and body
o Other, please specify_________________________________
Comments: __________________________________________________
Signed: Laura Robinson_________________
Date: 12/29/05_____