The PAM fluorometer was redeployed on June 30, 2005. Heads were positioned, using the alignment guide, on the following coral colonies.
PAM1: Agaricia spp.
PAM2: Agaricia spp.
PAM3: Siderastrea siderea
PAM4: Siderastrea siderea
PAM 1 & 2 are on a new coral colony, different than the previous deployments. This change was required due to the fact that the new underwater cables are a few feet shorter than the old cables.
PAM 3 & 4 are on the same S.Siderea that they were on previously.
All 4 heads reported as designed until the evening of July 2. After that some intermittent behavior was observed, with more consistent reporting during the daylight hours. Support staff has been notified and underwater cables, connections, and housings will be inspected.