On Saturday 8/18, Madeline Weigner performed a basic cleaning of the stick. Due to scheduling constraints, she incorporated the stick cleaning into the dive plan of a visiting scientist, Josh Voss, and he assisted her.
Screens were checked and found to be in ok condition. All macro growth was removed from lines. All zincs were checked and are ok with the exception of the support chain zinc that is deteriorating. It is still functional, so it was left as is.
Next Scheduled Cleaning on or around 9/2. It is a full cleaning/groundtruthing. Madeline Departs LSI on 8/31, and we're going to try to squeeze in the cleaning before she leaves. Her last minute duties may preclude that, however.
I am scheduled to leave LSI on 9/10. So, the next cleaning will be my last cleaning of the season as well. Please plan accordingly.
This site is for providing CMRC3 ICON/CREWS field maintenance records for NOAA/AOML/ICON data management purposes. Please update this blog whenever new operations are performed in the field, so that AOML can coordinate their efforts with the CMRC ICON/CREWS field efforts.