CMRC/LSI Operations Monday, Jan.23, 2006
J. Craynock and H. Casanova to Georgetown, 2 red boxes, 2 gear duffels.
Bahamian Customs clearance quick, shuttle ready at airport
New CMRC boat (Parker) covered – good for transfer- E. Mueller
Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2006
Onstation at 0930. Slight current. Chop and swell present.
Tied off to mooring buoy.
Examined PAM fluorometer, took u/w pic’s prior to disassembly.
Moved boat to pylon, surfaced pressure case, detached main cable & plugged.
Coiled plugged cable to lower pylon and bundled.
Began cleaning of spectra legs and lower pylon.
Dive 1 20ft./40min. Dive 2 21ft./ 65 min.
Noticeable growth on all lashings, lashings not cleaned for last 6 (?) months
Noted chaffing points on pylon, repaired with rubber patch and tied.
Removed brackets from pylon.
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006
Onstation at 0915. Attached CT for groundtruthing.
Cleaned remaining legs and chains.
Installed new screens on CT, new zincs.
Dive 1 21ft./38min.
Departed station at 1130.
Returned to station at 1300.
1320 – removed CT, plugged and coiled cable.
1330 – departed station.
Returned to station at 1930, night, Brenda Gadd aboard.
Ran approaches to station to investigate light shadowing.
Definite shadow areas for light from southern approach.
Recommendations for improvement noted.
Returned to CMRC Dock 2010.
Logged by Jules Craynock