Station ID: CMRC3 (i.e. CMRC3, SRVI1)
DATE: 11/04/05 Start time: 10:04am End time: 13:50
Type of cleaning: BASIC
X CTD Validation
BASIC Cleaning
X Surface inspection
X Underwater inspection – station support lines, chains, mounting pins
X Optical sensor cleaning
X CTD screen cleaning
X Optional sensor cleaning
X PAM fluorometer monitoring heads
o SAMI pCO2 cage or inlet
o Other, please specify_________________________________
Comments: __________________________________________________
Finish basic cleaning plus these additional steps
X Perform CTD validation
X Clean all growth from spectra lines and chains
X Inspect shackles
X Base plate and grounding plate inspection
X Clean spectra lines at base plate
X Clean body of CTD(s) and light sensor(s)
X Clean all optional sensors
X PAM fluorometer distributor box, mounting stands, and cables
o SAMI pCO2 stainless mounting hardware and body
o Other, please specify_________________________________
Comments: All PAM heads including number 3 looked normal.
CTD in at 10:04am and retrieved at 13:50.
Missing 2 copper screens, and 1 damaged – need to order replacements for the island.
Signed: Kevin Buch; Laura Robinson
Date: 11/04/05